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Season Updates:

June 3rd, 2020

Rolling with the punches. 

The past few months have been a difficult and unusual season for many of us. 

Our technicians have been complying with Covid testing requirements throughout the season, both receiving a clean bill of health upon arrival in Dillingham and Naknek in mid-May. 

Both RC and DC have been carefully maintaining social distancing requirements and been staying isolated when not working on vessels. 

In Dillingham, RC was required to take a second test ten days after his arrival.

Unfortunately, this test came back positive, so he is currently undergoing fourteen days of quarentine after which he will test again. 

At M. R. S. our first priority is safely providing the best service we can to our customers during this uncertain time.


So far RC is feeling healthy and is displaying no symptoms of Covid-19.

We're all hoping his next test is clean. If this is the case, hopefully he will be back to performing start-ups and helping customers around June 14. Check back for updates.

We want to thank everyone in Dillingham, from customers to the PAF yard support team for their patience, kindness, and thoughtfulness as we navigate through this unusual season.  


You have all been awesome and we look forward to getting your systems chilling efficiently!

April 26th, 2020


This year we still plan to be in Bristol Bay starting mid-May.

Due to recent concerns over COVID-19, M.R. Solutions will be making a few changes to our normal start up procedures. 


In the past, we've performed multiple start ups at once, jumping between boats and different locations to look after customer's needs. 

This season our technicians will perform only one start up at a given time and both will be staying put in single location; DC will be working out of Naknek while Robert Cannon (RC) will service Dillingham.

We will follow recommended best practices and guidelines and conduct our business in a way that protects the health of those around us.

If you have any questions or concerns please text, call, or email us.

Below are several useful pages for up to date information about the 2020 season in Bristol Bay and various responses to the Covid concern.

In particular, Alaska Protective Plan for Independent Commercial Fishing Vessels Appendix 01 to Health Mandate 017, contains mandates and guidelines for fishermen and crew members coming into the Bay.

Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association

Find helpful links and news updates for the Bay.

Official AK state website outlining health mandates and current plan to reopen the state

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